Benchtop Fibre Cleavers

FC-6+ Series

  • FC-6+ models are traditional benchtop fibre cleavers, simple and easy to use.
  • The perfect tools for your cleaving needs.
  • Available with or without a fibre offcut collector.
  • FC-6R+ models have Sumitomo’s auto-rotating blade system to reduce field maintenance and give consistent cleave quality.
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Product Downloads

FC-6+ brochure (English)


FC-6+ brochure (French)


FC-6+ brochure (Spanish)



Model availability• FC-6S+ and FC-6R+
Fibre type• FC-6S+ and FC-6R+: 125µm cladding diameter single fibre
• FC-6R+: fibre ribbons, 125µm cladding diameter, up to 12 cores on 250µm pitch
Blade: field replaceable, lifetime• FC-6S+: ~54,000 cleaves
• FC-6R+: ~60,000 cleaves

For a detailed specification, please download the brochure or refer to the product comparison table below.

Product Comparison

Cleave single fibre?YesYesYesYesYes
Cleave fibre ribbons?12 core max12 core max12 core maxNoNo
Cleave counterNoYesNoNoNo
Auto return blade?NoNoYesYesNo
Auto rotating blade?YesYesYesNoNo
Offcut collectorAutomaticAutomaticAutomaticGravity dropAutomatic
Typical cleave angle<1°<1°<1°<1°<1°
Carrying caseYesYesYesYesYes
Field replaceable blade?YesYesYesYesYes

Counterfeit Warning

The Sumitomo FC-6 & FC-6+ series cleavers are among the most popular fibre cleavers in mainland China. They have attracted the attention of many ‘clone manufacturers’ who build unauthorised counterfeit copies of our cleavers and cleaver cases. These are offered for sale worldwide on the internet. Such products are not endorsed by Sumitomo and their manufacturers and sellers are not authorised by Sumitomo.

Genuine Sumitomo FC-6 series cleavers, made since 2014, and all FC-6+ series cleavers have an anti-counterfeit label on the cleaver lid and on the cleaver case. The appearance of the label varies according to illumination conditions. Please refer to the details below…

How to Buy

To find an authorised distributor, please Click Here.